Chorus Trivia

Most medals of any kind won by a chorus: 22
Number of choruses to win 22 medals: 1

1.   Southern Gateway Chorus  22

2.   New Tradition (The)      19
     Alexandria Harmonizers   19

4.   Thoroughbreds            18

5.   Vocal Majority           17

6.   Ambassadors of Harmony   16

7.   Phoenicians              14
     Northern Lights          14

9.   Masters of Harmony       12

10.  Great Northern Union     11
11.  Dukes of Harmony          9
12.  Tidelanders               8
     Sounds of the Rockies     8
14.  Chordsmen                 7
     Chorus of the Dunes       7
     East York B’shoppers      7
     Sounds of the Rockies     8
     West Towns                7
19.  Dapper Dans of Harmony    6
     Pekin Chorus              6          
21.  Sun Harbor Chorus         5
     Westminster Chorus        5  

23.  Minneapolis Commodores    4
24.  Arlington Heights, IL     3
     Big Apple Chorus          3
     Border Chorders           3
     Californians              3
     Men of Accord             3
     Michigan City Chorus (AoH)3
     Peninsulaires             3
     Big Chicken Chorus        3
     Midwest Vocal Express     3
     Alliance                  3
     Central Standard          3

35.  Cascade Chorus            2
     Chorus of the Chesapeake  2
     Citrus Belters            2
     Dixie Cotton Boll Chorus  2
     Great American Chorus     2
     Harmony Hawks             2
     Kountry Kernels           2
     Miamians                  2
     Montclair Chorus          2
     Port City Chorus          2
     "Q" Suburban Chorus       2
     Razor's Edge              2
     Revelaires                2
     Smokeyland Chorus         2
     Zero8                     2

Most gold medals won by a chorus: 12
Number of choruses to win 12 gold medals: 1

1.   Vocal Majority           12

2.   Masters of Harmony       9

3.   Thoroughbreds            7
4.   Alexandria Harmonizers   4
     Ambassadors of Harmony

6.   Pekin Chorus             3
     Phoenicians              3
     Westminster Chorus       3

9.   Chorus of the Chesapeake 2
     Dapper Dans of Harmony   2
     Dukes of Harmony         2
     Southern Gateway Chorus  2


Most silver medals won by a chorus: 8
Number of choruses to win 8 silver medals: 1

1.   New Tradition (The)     8

2.   Thoroughbreds           7

3.   Northern Lights         5

4.   Southern Gateway Chorus 4
     Vocal Majority          4

6.   Alexandria Harmonizers  3
     Ambassadors of Harmony  3
     Chorus of the Dunes     3
     West Towns Chorus       3

Most 3rd-place bronze medals won by a chorus: 6
Number of choruses to win 6 3rd-place medals: 2

1.   Southern Gateway Chorus  6
     Alexandria Harmonizers   6

3.   Ambassadors of Harmony   5

4.   East York Barbershoppers 4
     New Tradition            4

6.   Great Northern Union     3
     Northern Lights          3
     Phoenicians              3
     Thoroughbreds            3

Most 4th-place bronze medals won by a chorus: 6
Number of choruses to win 6 4th-place medals: 1

1.   Southern Gateway Chorus  6

2.   Sound of the Rockies     5

3.   Alexandria Harmonizers   4
     Tidelanders              4
     Ambassadors of Harmony   4

6.   Men of Accord            3
     Phoenicians              3
     Chordsmen                3
     Great Northern Union     3
     New Tradition (The)      3
     Toronto Northern Lights  3

12.  Dapper Dans of Harmony   2
     Dukes of Harmony         2
     Port City Chorus         2


Most 5th-place bronze medals won by a chorus: 4
Number of choruses to win 4 5th-place medals: 1

1.  Southern Gateway Chorus  4

2.  Arlington Heights, IL    3
    Chorus of the Dunes      3
    Phoenicians              3  
    Great Northern Union     3
    Midwest Vocal Express    3
    New Tradition (The)      3

8.  Alexandria Harmonizers   2
    Alliance                 2
    Big Chicken Chorus       2
    Chordsmen                2
    Citrus Belters           2
    Minneapolis Commodores   2
    Dukes of Harmony         2
    East York Barbershoppers 2
    Sun Harbor Chorus        2
    Tidelanders              2
    Northern Lights          2


Number of choruses to win all 5 medals (in any order or multiples
thereof):   9

 Alexandria Harmonizers
 Dapper Dans of Harmony
 Dukes of Harmony
 New Tradition
 Northern Lights
 Southern Gateway Chorus
 West Towns Chorus